ATTENTION: People in charge of training staff who are stressed, overwhelmed and want to try something different
“New Training Workbook Reveals the Easiest, Quickest (and Downright Systematic) PROVEN Ways To create a training program that Virtually ANYone Can Do!”
Warning: You’re About To Discover the Authentic “Auto-Pilot” Methods of creating a training program to help your staff excel into their future and make you look good too!
Click Here to Claim Your Copy Now!
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Monday, 8:50 a.m. From: Ruby Newell-Legner, CSP RE: How To REALLY Set Up A Training Program |
Dear Friend, If you’re sick and tired of trying to be creative, effective and efficient… if you’re looking for the REAL story of how you can quickly create a customized training program for your staff… and if you want a simple, proven path to follow that works, then claim your copy now of the most important Workbook available this year! Here’s why…
Four years ago I had this dream of creating a Train The Trainer course to help other trainers improve their skills. After studying speaking and training for over 20 years, I had plenty to share about what should be done and shouldn’t be done in any given training program. So I started gathering tips and writing down all the lessons I learned along the way. This workbook is the culmination of my notes. 129 pages of tips, checklists, techniques, and examples of what it takes to be an effective trainer. I spill my guts on paper and share exactly how I set up a training program, what I concentrate on to present that program and how I offer high content material and plenty of stories to bring home the message.
If you want to change how you present a session for your staff, then order your copy today.
Here are just a few examples of what you will learn in this notebook:
- Determine the critical elements of an effective employee training program
- Recognize important elements in preparing the learning environment
- Design training that influences learners and their co-workers
- Learn presentation skills and speaking techniques that will help you stand up and speak with confidence
- Dramatically increase the impact and effectiveness of your delivery methods
- Discover rehearsal techniques to eliminate nervousness and anxiety
- Develop “team spirit” and camaraderie among participants and heighten their learning experience
- Understand how important a new employee orientation training program is to an organization
- Learn smart strategies to make training and orientation as quick and easy as possible
Broaden your repertoire with new options and techniques to go beyond “that’s the way we have always done it”
- Select the most effective instructional methods
- Identify cost-effective ideas for promoting a quality training program
- Design educational sessions that motivate participants to apply their new knowledge in the workplace
- Improve your training skills and make long-lasting improvements in employee performance
- Avoid distracting habits that can have a negative impact on your presentation
- Utilize “cheat sheets” to keep you focused on your outline
- Study alternatives you can tap when “formal” training isn’t possible
- Design follow-up activities to training to continue the learning cycle
- Identify delivery strategies that encourage participant involvement
- Enhance your speaking skills so that you’ll leave a polished, professional image
- Learn how to use eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, and movement to enhance your delivery
Study the unique qualities of adult learning and how to foster accelerated learning
- Use dynamic attention getters and energizers that will keep your participants focused and learning
- Help transform dry material and lectures into enjoyable, interactive experiences
- Learn innovative ways to make your training programs lively and memorable
- Create analogies and metaphors that make your delivery more powerful
- Formulate review techniques that increase learner retention
- Prepare yourself to handle even the toughest question-and-answer session
- Understand how to handle challenging participants and difficult situations
- Discover the most important 60 seconds of any presentation
- Design icebreaker activities to create a positive learning environment
- Help trainees apply knowledge and skills back at their workplace long after the training session is over
Believe it or not, this workbook contains the secrets that will help you Increase involvement in training programs throughout your organization, from top to bottom
By the way, you might think all there is to “training” is creating an outline of material to be covered and then sharing it with your staff… if you think it’s that simple, well…
You’re WRONG!
In this workbook you’ll see:
The 3 Most important factors you should consider before creating any workshop, staff meeting, or learning session for your staff… and how YOU can use them to elevate the learning environment to your highest level ever!
- How Ruby took one tip from one of her speaking coaches that literally changed her delivery overnight! …
- The 3 main purposes of ANY training program… and how confusing them, or putting them in the wrong order, will destroy your training session before it even gets started…
- The 4 types of learning styles, and how important it is to design your session to address each style …
- The single biggest mistake people make in presenting their content and how you can avoid those errors that costs them time, ruins their reputation and has a negative effect on the morale of their staff.
- The difference between training and lecturing (it’s more than what you think… and you’ll discover how confusing the two will cause you to crash and burn) …
- Ruby’s own personal philosophy about how much time, energy and fore thought should go into creating an effective employee training program (and how she creates memorable programs that leave a lasting impression on audience members.)
Bottom Line: In this Workbook, you’ll discover more about Training… how to plan it more effectively, present a clearer lesson for participants and to enhance the capabilities of everyone one of your staff members… than you’ve ever heard anyone reveal before!
Step 1: To immediately download your copy of the “Train The Trainer Workbook” – please complete the purchase information on the next page and click the button.
Step 2: After payment of $199, you’ll receive a link to the PDF version that can be immediately downloaded…
Click Here to Claim Your Copy Now!
Want to get a peek at what you’ll be getting? View the Table of Contents here
We guarantee this will be some of the most valuable information you’ll invest in yourself and your organization this year!
Talk to you soon 🙂
P.S. – This is brand new information that ONLY Ruby can reveal to you – NO ONE else in Training is teaching you this type of system. Don’t miss out!
Click Here to Claim Your Workbook Now!
P.P.S. – And if you aren’t sure if this is worth the investment, here’s just a glimpse at theenormous praise past Train The Trainer attendees have sent in about this EXACT information you’re about to get your hands on…
“Thanks for your fresh perspective – I have been training for 14 years and I’m learning more through this class than ever.”
– Jayson Maxwell, Director, Six Flags Great Adventure
I learned some great ideas for PowerPoint, which will come in handy during presentations for work and for my master’s degree that I am currently working on. I found the facts about the adult learning to be extremely interesting concerning attention span and how they learn differently. I liked the parking lot idea, the dots activity, networking bingo, and the fact about the peppermints (I will have to try that one). Further, I know I will be able to use some of the orientation and training checklists to increase our customer service quality. Good Stuff!”
– Jamie Gower, Manager, Decatur Indoor Sports Center
“Refreshing! This training program gives you simple yet effective training tips to maximize your efforts as a trainer.
– Rojani Winters, HR Manager, Six Flags America
I will be using the four points in presentations:
- Why is this important to the individual
- What are the Facts
- How is this practical
- Tell a Story
Looking back I can see some presentations where we failed to meet all four of those points and we wondered why it did not seem to hit home.
I also loved the place a pin on the map program. We will be using that tip very shortly at an upcoming public hearing.
The “hug the flip chart” and ask permission to change what you write down on the flip chart was also a very good tip.”
– Paul J. Sincock, City Manager, City of Plymouth
“In 3 days Ruby has taken us from a group of individuals who train at various locations and molded us into a training team who will set the stage for the Six Flags brand to become the leader in family entertainment.”
– Sheri Jones, Director of Administration Six Flags America
Frankly we can’t see why you wouldn’t want to take advantage of this workbook but just to send you over the edge… How about a free 44 page Bonus handout on Icebreakers that you can use to enhance your training? Order today and I will throw it in for free.
So what are you waiting for? Place your order today to get the special price of $199 and to get the free Icebreakers list. A must have for any trainer.